
September 29, 2015
How long should homework take

Homework – A Thorny Issue

“Homework is one of the thorniest issues at primary level”. Not my words but those of Peter Mullen of the Irish National Teachers Organisation, in an […]
September 24, 2015
When do we allow children to make mistakes?

Allowing our children to take responsibility for themselves

My husband is terrible at remembering dates. He just doesn’t know birthdays or anniversaries. He has a constant fear of forgetting his god-son’s birthday & every […]
September 17, 2015
Alternative Education System in Finland

An Education System that Doesn’t Teach Subjects

Imagine a world where your school day was no longer dominated by subjects, such as maths or history or geography, but instead everything was jumbled up […]
September 11, 2015
Best description or explanation of Dyspraxia

What is Dyspraxia?

When you are dressing a child, you don’t put on their coat first, then their jumper and finally their vest, not unless it’s ‘Crazy Clothes Day’ […]
August 6, 2015

Why Meaning is so important for Spelling

When my boys were in primary school, they had an English book that was used for reading and spelling.  It was different to the type of […]
July 9, 2015

Use your Brain for a Change

One of my favourite quotes is by Dr Richard Bandler and it is “When you want new results, it requires new thinking”.  Thinking is just something […]