November 25, 2016
exemptions waivers reasonable accommodations

What are Reasonable Accommodations in State Exams?

We all have a right to be treated equally. So if a person with a disability has difficulty in accessing a service in the usual way, […]
November 11, 2016
Why English spelling is not phonetic

Why English Spelling is Tricky

English spelling can be tricky, no doubt about it. There are rules and then there are the exceptions to the rules. There are the strange phonetic […]
June 27, 2016
Why meaning is necessary for reading

Why We Need to Watch out for Reading Without Comprehension

Reading without comprehension is a recurring issue raised by parents at Hummingbird Learning Centre®. Many children struggle with comprehension but when I ask them to read, usually […]
June 2, 2016
Change your State with the word 'Yet'

How to Use The Most Powerful Word in the Universe: ‘YET’

Yet.  I haven’t met a more powerful word – yet! I really believe that it is the most powerful word in the universe. It has the […]
May 23, 2016
Executive Functioning | Dyslexia | ADHD

Executive Functioning Skills are important for ALL Children

I know what you’re thinking – my child is a bit young to be thinking about being an executive (or maybe you already have a mini […]
May 9, 2016
5 Ways to help a reader or speller struggling with phonics

What to Do When Phonics Doesn’t Work

When I went to school, phonics wasn’t really used at all.  I’m not really sure how specifically we were taught to read (I suspect it was […]