
August 8, 2016
What is Project Maths?

Project Maths Cannot Hurt You

Project Maths cannot hurt you and being good at maths is not about how many maths questions you get right – it’s about what you do […]
June 27, 2016
Why meaning is necessary for reading

Why We Need to Watch out for Reading Without Comprehension

Reading without comprehension is a recurring issue raised by parents at Hummingbird Learning Centre®. Many children struggle with comprehension but when I ask them to read, usually […]
June 2, 2016
Change your State with the word 'Yet'

How to Use The Most Powerful Word in the Universe: ‘YET’

Yet.  I haven’t met a more powerful word – yet! I really believe that it is the most powerful word in the universe. It has the […]
August 6, 2015

Why Meaning is so important for Spelling

When my boys were in primary school, they had an English book that was used for reading and spelling.  It was different to the type of […]
July 23, 2015

What is Waldorf-Steiner Education?

There are many different educational philosophies throughout the world; some of the most child-centred educational philosophies have their origins in the theories of child development specialists […]
July 9, 2015

Use your Brain for a Change

One of my favourite quotes is by Dr Richard Bandler and it is “When you want new results, it requires new thinking”.  Thinking is just something […]