November 25, 2016
exemptions waivers reasonable accommodations

What are Reasonable Accommodations in State Exams?

We all have a right to be treated equally. So if a person with a disability has difficulty in accessing a service in the usual way, […]
July 11, 2016
Does my child have a learning difficulty?

Could Your Child have a Learning Disability?

Okay, I have to confess – I hate the phrase Learning Disability. I feel that it focuses mainly on the negative.  I prefer to say Learning […]
May 30, 2016
Sensory Disorder Tool Kit

6 Awesome Sensory Tools to Help your Child

Having some sort of a sensory tool kit at home is really important if your child has some sensory issues. Essentially a sensory kit is a […]
May 23, 2016
Executive Functioning | Dyslexia | ADHD

Executive Functioning Skills are important for ALL Children

I know what you’re thinking – my child is a bit young to be thinking about being an executive (or maybe you already have a mini […]
May 3, 2016
Secure Your Family's Future

What Every Parent Needs to Know

Ok, this is veering way off my usual topic but I feel it needs to be said. If you have kids, and especially if you have […]
April 13, 2016
A quick guide to ABA

What is ABA?

ABA is used as an Autism Intervention, But What is ABA? ABA or Applied Behaviour Analysis is most commonly known in Ireland as an intervention for […]