July 9, 2015

Use your Brain for a Change

One of my favourite quotes is by Dr Richard Bandler and it is “When you want new results, it requires new thinking”.  Thinking is just something […]
April 22, 2015
Hummingbird Learning Method - not just for school

Make daily life easier with the Hummingbird Learning Method® (it’s not just for school-work!!)

The Hummingbird Learning Method® certainly works for what we could collectively call ‘school work’ but did you know that you can use all of our essential […]
February 26, 2015
Help your child with sensory or social difficulties at the playground

#4 Ways to Overcome Challenges at the Playground

Something you might or might not know about me is that I worked for 12 twelve years to get a playground in my local community. When […]
December 5, 2014
fidgeting helps focus

Fidgeting to Focus

It may seem counter-intuitive but fidgeting actually helps us focus. Our bodies are designed for movement. Physicists would tell us that we are never still.  That […]