We finally see a light at the end of the tunnel for our little girl, she can learn and make gains, her reading and spelling have already improved in this short time working with you. She is starting to believe in herself now too and we as parents understand her more now we know she just learns in a different way.
Would you believe her support teacher rang me today just to touch base as I had sent a note last week about a maths concept that had been difficult? He was just so positive about Z on the phone he said she is doing great with her sight words, answering questions in the small group and winning little mini word games
he does with them.
She’s on level 6 books and moving to level 7 books next week. Class are at level 9.
He said not to worry she will catch up.
So to say I was delighted is an understatement! I was over the moon to see progress being made and being told yes she can learn rather than hearing she has complex needs and a poor memory etc.
We will definitely be in touch I’m sure of it in the future and thank you for getting us to where we are now.